Mr. Ramage is not accepting any new clients at this time, but feel free to contact him for a referral to another forensic genealogist at: see his contact information on the Home Page. Methodologies to conduct the following types of work are taught at the courses listed under the Teaching Schedule tab:
(1) locating and documenting missing and unknown heirs of estates;
(2) preparing due diligence affidavits and family history charts for Pennsylvania court use;
(3) reviewing, consulting and opining about the accuracy and legality of other "heir finders and locators" conclusions;
(4) testifying as an expert witness in court hearings relating to the estate or trust's missing and unknown heirs (Mr. Ramage has been qualified as an expert in these areas); and
(5) related forensic genealogy services.
Please contact Mr. Ramage for additional information via the Home page.